Dear Skin Doctor
There always coming from my check and I keep trying to get rid of these please help why and how can I get rid of this problem.
Dear Patient
Your symptoms of erythema and papules (redness and bumps) in the cheeks are suggestive of rosacea.
Rosacea Treatment
The treatment of rosacea includes the following:
Using sunscreen
Sunlight is a major cause of rosacea flare-ups which contribute to the redness. Therefore effective rosacea treatment includes the application of Broad-spectrum sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or more to your face every day. In addition, avoid the midday sun and wear a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors.
Avoiding Rosacea Triggers
Rosacea triggers also contribute to the redness of the skin and they include:
Foods and Drinks
Foods that trigger rosacea include spicy foods, chocolate, fruits like avocados, tomatoes, bananas, raisins and citrus fruits, marinated meats, vegetables like eggplants and spinach, legumes like lima beans and peas, dairy products like yogurt and cheese as well as foods which are hot in temperature.
Drinks that trigger rosacea include alcoholic drinks like red wine,, beer, vodka and champagne, caffeine drinks and beverages which are hot in temperature. Therefore, avoid consuming these foods and drinks.
Physical Activities
Physical activities which can trigger rosacea include sun exposure, strenuous physical exercise, heavy exertion, taking hot baths, showers and saunas. Therefore avoid engaging in these activities.
Emotional States
Emotional states that can trigger rosacea include emotional and mental stress, fear, anxiety and anger. A sudden change in emotion like feeling embarrassed or bursting our laughing can also trigger rosacea. Therefore avoid putting yourself in situations that can result in these emotional states and learn effective relaxation techniques like abdominal breathing by reading books like Rules of Relaxation.
Climatic Conditions
Climatic conditions that can trigger rosacea include hot weather, cold weather, humid weather, windy weather with strong winds and sunny weather. Therefore avoid living in areas with these climates. In addition, avoid overheating by dressing in layers and drinking cold drinks when you begin feeling hot.
Medications that can trigger rosacea include corticosteroids applied on the face or inhaled through the nose, opiate painkillers and amiodarone. HIgh blood pressure medications like nifedipneand thiazide diuretics anc also cause flares. High doses of vitamins B6 and B12 can also cause flares in patients with rosacea. Therefore consult your doctor if you are on any medications to find out if they may be contributing to your condition.
Medical Conditions
Medical conditions which can trigger rosacea include fever, colds and high blood pressure. Menopause, chronic cough and caffeine withdrawal syndrome can also trigger rosacea. Therefore consult your doctor for treatment if you are suffering from these conditions.
Skincare Products
Skincare products which can trigger rosacea include harsh soaps, exfoliating creams, toners and cosmetics which contain alcohol, witch hazel, eucalyptus and peppermint. Therefore use gentle skincare products like Eucerin Soothing Cleanser and Eucerin Redness Relief Lotions with SPF 15.
Taking Good Care of Your Skin
Good skincare is another integral aspect of rosacea treatment and it involves the following:
Washing your face with your fingertips and a gentle cleanser like Eucerin Soothing Cleanser.
Rinsing your face with lukewarm water and patting it dry with a soft towel like these Microfiber Towels.
Applying a gentle moisturizer to the skin like Eucerin Redness Relief Lotions with SPF 15.
If you have to use makeup, apply green-tinted makeup that reduces the appearance of the redness like Dermablend Redness Green Concealer.
Prescription Medications
If the above measures do not lead to complete resolution of your symptoms, you may need to consult your nearest dermatologist so that they can prescribe medications used for rosacea treatment like the following:
Metronidazole gel which is applied twice a day and helps reduce the redness and swellings. Erythromycin and clindamycin are other antibiotics that are applied on the skin to treat rosacea.
Azelaic acid creams and gels are also effective for reducing the redness and swellings. They can be used in the evenings by patients who apply metronidazole gel in the morning.
Sodium sulfacetamide lotions can also be prescribed to reduce the inflammation that contributes to the redness.
Brimonidine gel and Oxymetazoline cream are applied once a day to reduce the facial redness of rosacea.
Oral antibiotics are also prescribed for rosacea treatment and they include tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline.
Retinoids like tretinoin, tazarotene and adapalene are also used in some patients to treat rosacea.
Permethrin cream is also used to treat rosacea that is associated with the Demodex skin mites.
Laser and intense pulsed light are also used to reduce the redness of rosacea.