Ask A Skin Doctor Postinflammatory Hypopigmentation

post inflammatory hypopigmentation

Dear Doctor

I had chicken pox almost year and a half ago. I must have scratched them during the last few days.

It left some scars on my forehead. They are white not a depression but quite visible.

I applied various creams, Tretinoin, neoskin, placentrex gel, medbild, etc. But no improvement.

I went for the fractional lasers as well. and completed 2 session. and doctor said its enough. but still there is no improvement.

Same as it was before lasers. can u please let me know hot to remove these completly.

postinflammatory hypopigmentation

Dear Patient

Postinflammatory Hypopigmentation Treatment

The treatment of postinflammatory hypopigmentation involves:

1. Patience since repigmentaton or return of the normal skin color can occur though it can take from weeks to years


2. Sun exposure since it can cause return of pigment in areas without scarring


3. Cosmetic camouflage by using Cover Creams and Cover Up Kits.


4. Lasers like the 308nm excimer laser may also hasten repigmentation.


5. NB-UVB can also be used to hasten repigmentation


6. Medical tattooing can be done to camouflage the spots


7. Lightening the area around the white spots so that they are less obvious.


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