Dear Doctor
Skin problem in the middle of my breast. No itching problem, just getting dark and water bag create and loose automatically which is shown in the middle. Please help.
Dear Patient
This skin condition is known as Hidradenitis suppurativa or acne inversa.
It develops when the hair follicles (the holes from which the hair grows) become blocked and inflamed. The cause of this blockage is not known but the following factors are thought to contribute to its development:
*An abnormal response by the immune system
Hidradenitis Suppurativa Symptoms
Symptoms of hidradenities suppurativa include:
*Open comedones or blackheads
*Nodules or swellings which can be painful and discharge pus
*Abscesses or collections of pus
*Sinuses or tunnels in the skin
In addition to the skin symptoms, some persons also develop emotional symptoms like depression.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa Treatment
The treatment of this condition includes:
*Use antibiotics
Consult your nearest doctor to get a prescription of antibiotics like tetracycline since they will reduce inflammation and help control the condition.
*Consider using birth control pills
Consider asking your nearest doctor to prescribe birth control pills since they are quite helpful if your condition worsens before your periods.
*Lose weight
Lose excess body weight in you are overweight or obese as it can worsen the condition. To do this control the number of calories you eat each day and exercise regularly.
* Stop smoking
Stop smoking if you smoke cigarettes since it can result in improvement.
*Avoid tight clothes
Wear loose clothes to avoid friction in the affected areas
*Use antiseptic soaps
Wash your body with an antiseptic soap since it can help reduce the number of bacteria
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