Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma

cutaneous t cell lymphoma

Dear Doctor

Hello, I have had this dry patch of skin since I was 7 … i am now 28… it is getting larger in size over the years and now has a dark ring around it.

I was always told it’s eczema, but it never goes away..

Have you ever seen anything like this patch??

Thank you for your time!

cutaneous t cell lymphoma

Dear Patient

One of the worst things that this patch can be is a type of skin cancer known as Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma (CTLC).

I therefore recommend that you go to your nearest dermatologist and have a skin biopsy done as soon as possible.

I have seen cases like this of patients who were treated for years for non-improving eczema which later turned out to be CTLC.

cutaneous T cell lymphoma

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