Black Spot or Melanoma abcde

abcde melanoma

Dear Doctor

a black spot happeared on my shoulder skin yesterday (I think), and i wanna know everything about what it can be, it it can be cancer i wanna go to doctor the quicker i can.

black spot

Dear Patient

Malignant melanoma is a type of skin cancer which can present as a black spot.

To identify a malignant melanoma, the following ABCDE melanoma guidelines have been developed:

ABCDE Melanoma

A Asymmetry

This means that the lesion does not have a uniform appearance when both its sides are compared.

Your black spot has a nice, round uniform shape.


B Borders

The borders of a melanoma are usually uneven and ragged.

Your black spot has nice, smooth borders.


C Color Variation

Melanomas tend to have color variations with different shades of brown, black, red and blue.

Your black spot has different shades of brown .


D Diameter

Melanomas are usually larger than 6 mm when first discovered.

I do not know the size of your black spot but you can measure it at home.


E Evolving

Melanomas usually change in size, color, shape and even begin bleeding or getting itchy or painful.

Only you can answer if your black spot has been changing since you first noticed it.

I suggest that you consult your nearest dermatologist for a face to face examination.

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