Dear Doctor
I’ve had acne since about six grade and its mostly been on my four head and around my mouth but this past month I’ve lost control of my skin and I don’t know why I am breaking out so bad. I use *** to clean my face right now but I’m seeing no more results. I need to know better tips about how to get clear skin.
Dear Patient
The active ingredient in the acne treatment you are using is known as benzoyl peroxide.
Benzoly peroxide is a good medication for acne but like all medications, it has side effects.
Benzoyl peroxide causes drying of the skin which can result in the oil glands producing more oil and causing breakouts.
Benzoyl peroxide can also cause irritation of the skin which can lead to inflammation and worsening of the acne.
Benzoyl peroxide is also a skin irritant and skin sensitizer according to the CDC. This means that it can cause an allergic reaction in the skin characterized by itchiness and inflammation. Since it is also a skin sensitizer, the skin becomes more sensitive to it with each subsequent use.
Tips for When Benzoyl Peroxide Stops Working
*Switch to salicylic acid
Switch to other over-the-counter acne face washes with salicylic acid if you are not allergic to aspirin.
*Use AHAs and BHAs
Use acne moisturizers with AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) like glycolic acid and BHAs (beta hydroxy acids) like salicylic acid. These gentle acids loosen the glue between the dead cells on the skin’s surface and thus reduce the clogging of the skin pores.
*Get retinoids
Consult your nearest doctor to prescribe acne medications like Clindamycin gel which you can apply in the mornings and a retinoid like tretinoin (Retin A) or adapalene (differin) which you can apply at night.
*Use noncomedogenic face products
Avoid makeup and if you must use it, ensure that it is labeled “non-comedogenic” which means it will not clog your skin pores and cause breakouts.
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