Ask A Skin Doctor: Perioral Dermatitis Treatment

Perioral Dermatitis Treatment

Dear Doctor

I have this rash around my lips that come and go. It comes as a very dark red round rash that travel around my face and it appears and goes. What is it? Thanks.

Perioral Dermatitis Treatment

Dear Doctor

Perioral Dermatitis Risk Factors

Perioral dermatitis is associated with applying steroids creams to the face.

Other risk factors associated with developing perioral dermatitis include:

  1. Applying makeup since one study found that applying foundations together with moisturizer and night cream increased the risk for developing perioral dermatitis 13 fold.
  2. Using physical sunscreens especially in children.
  3. Fluorinated toothpastes are also suspected to trigger it.


Perioral Dermatitis Treatment

The treatment of Perioral Dermatitis includes:

1. Steroid Cessation

The first step in treating perioral dermatitis is to stop applying steroids to the face.

2. Topical Antibiotics

Antibiotics like Metronidazole, Clindamycin and Erythromycin can also be are applied on the face to treat perioral dermatitis mainly because of their anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Systemic Antibiotics

If the skin around the mouth is too sensitive for the application of antibiotics, antibiotics like Minocycline, Doxycycline and Erythromycin can be taken by mouth for 6 to 12 weeks.

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