Ask A Skin Doctor: Morgellons Disease

Morgellons Disease

Dear Doctor

I had a blister on my palm few months back and gradually became an open fibrous lump (I have no idea how to explain. it had no pus). It is like dead skin. Not much painful.

I thought it might be caused by dishwashing liquids and cleaning agents so I applied “Aquaphor” then the fibers started turning black.

Please help me what should be done. Thanks in advance.

Morgellons Disease

Dear Patient

The sores with the black fibers are suggestive of a condition known as Morgellons Disease.

There is no cure for Morgellons disease and its treatment includes symptomatic management of the sores, itch and any other physical symptom.

Therefore for your condition I recommend washing it with water and keep it clean. If it gets infected and starts oozing pus, you may need to get a prescription for some antibiotics.

Since many patients with Morgellons disease also have psychiatric symptoms like anxiety and depression, it is advisable that you also consult a Psychiatrist.

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