Dear Doctor
I have a brown complexion but my butt area is very dark. Since it is so dark, you can see very clearly that there are white spots on it. I am not sure if it is Keratosis Pilaris or not. I have attaches a picture of it and have uploaded it also in this link.
Can someone please help me. This problem decreases my confidence. I cannot go to sauna or have a massage since I am shy that someone might see my dark but with white bumps.
Does KP also cause dark butt? What is the cure for this?
Dear Patient
Your picture is suggestive of Keratosis Pilaris (KP).
Simple things that you can do at home to help KP include:
1. Wash the skin gently with a mild soap-less cleanser like Dove or Cetaphil.
2. If the skin is not inflammed (reddish in color) you can use a loofah sponge or Buf-Puff exfoliation pads to get rid of the keratin from dead cells that is clogging the hair follicles.
3. Moisturize the skin immediately after bathing by using lotions that contain alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) like lactic acid. These also help loosen the dead skin cells and reduce the skin’s roughness. Examples include AmLactin lotion and Lac-Hydrin lotion.
In some situations, KP is associated with hyperpigmentation or darkening of the surrounding skin. There are several skin brighteners that can be used for that but I would suggest you give the above 3 measures a try for a few weeks since exfoliation also reduces hyperpigmentation as the discolored skin is shed.
To learn more read the Keratosis Pilaris Handbook