Ask A Skin Doctor: Tinea Pedis

tinea pedis

Dear Doctor

My stepping part of on foot peels off continuously with no pain but both feet itch sometimes especially the rear part. it responded to ketoconazole just to reoccur after medication.

tinea pedis

Dear Patient

Your symptoms are suggestive of Tinea Pedis which is a fungal infection of the foot.

The treatment for Tinea Pedis includes:

1. Antifungal creams

Antifungal creams that can be used to treat Tinea Pedis include:

1% Clotrimazole cream

Terbinafine cream


These creams usually cause the clinical cure after being used for 2 weeks. Since this clinical cure which occurs when the skin lesions disappear is not the same as the mycological cure which occurs when the fungi are eradicated, the application of these antifungal creams should be used for 2 more weeks after the skin lesions disappear.


2. Antifungal Tablets

Systemic medications or medications taken by mouth to treat Tinea Pedis include:

Terbinafine (Lamisil)

Itraconazole (Sporanox)


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