Chin Folliculitis

Chin Folliculitis

Dear Doctor

I have pain around the affected area which is yellow in given picture. What should I do. It happened before also which got healed after taking tablet advised by doctor. Pls… help me. Thank you.

Chin Folliculitis

Dear Patient

This condition is known as folliculitis.

Symptoms of Chin Folliculitis

Symptoms of folliculitis include small, red swellings and pus filled swellings (like the yellow one in the picture) which are centered around hair follicles on the chin or beard area.


Treatment of Chin Folliculitis

The treatment of folliculitis is as follows:

Shower at least once a day

Take a shower and clean your body at least once a day. Use an antibacterial soap like Chlorhexidine Hibiclens or a body wash that contains an antiseptic like Topix 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Wash.


Apply antibiotics

Apply antibiotics on the affected area. Examples include Mupirocin (Bactroban), Fusidic acid (Fucidin) and Clindamycin (Cleocin T, Evoclin foam).


Take antibiotics

Take antibiotics that are taken by mouth. Examples include Flucloxacillin, Dicloxacillin (Dynapen) and Cephalexin (Keflex).


Take pain killers

Take pain killers by mouth to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Examples include non-steroidal anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like indomethacin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve).



Outlined above is the treatment of folliculitis regardless of whether it is on the chin or another part of the body.

In your case you will also need to consult your nearest dermatologist so that they can examine the yellow area, which is a collection of pus, to determine whether it is deep and it needs to be removed by a procedure known as incision and drainage (1&D).

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