Ask A Skin Doctor: Tinea Cruris

tinea cruris treatment

Dear Doctor

I started having this problem more than a week now, i have used fungal cream and some other ointment too but still its not healed. can you please help.

tinea cruris

Dear Patient

Your symptoms are suggestive of Tinea cruris which is a fungal infection.

Tinea Cruris Treatment

The treatment of Tinea cruris includes the use of:

1. Topical Antifungals

Antifungal creams that are applied on the skin to treat T. cruris include:

a. 1% Clotrimazole cream (Lotrimin) is applied twice a day for around four weeks. The skin lesions usually clear in one to two weeks (clinical cure) but the antifungal medication needs to be applied for another two weeks to eradicate the fungi (mycological cure).

b. Antifungal powders are also used since they absorb the sweat and control the fungi especially during hot days. Examples include Miconazole powder which is used once or twice a day.


2. Systemic Antifungals

Antifungal taken by mouth to treat T. cruris include:

1. Terbinafine (Lamisil)

2. Itraconazole (Sporanox)

3. Ketoconazole



3. Treating Concomitant Fungal Infections

All fungal infections on the body like on the hands, feet and nails should also be treated.

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