Ask A Skin Doctor: Epidermoid Cyst

Epidermoid Cyst

Dear Doctor

I’ve had this thing on the surface of my left foot for as long as I can remember. I do not know what it is or how to cure it.

Please help me know what it is I don’t think it’s a wart there’s a small whole in the middle of it and a white yellow thing comes out of it.

Epidermoid Cyst

Dear Patient

This is known as an Epidermoid Cyst

It forms from the cells on the top layer of the skin which is known as the epidermis and it is filled with a yellow material known as keratin.


Treatment of Epidermoid Cysts

Epidermal cysts are treated by removing them surgically after the area is numbed with local anesthesia.

They do not have to be removed since they are mostly benign and only a very small percentage develop cancers like squamous cell carcinoma within them.

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